Greetings, Gamers. After too many mishaps, we finally have Episode IV: A New Hope that I'll get this show uploaded in time.
Today's show details the second Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God, the new anime RPG OVA: Open Versatile Anime, and a nice little tip on something to add to your campaigns.
Here are the links for today's show:
Next episode will feature a tip for you players, so keep coming back.
Character Example for OVA:
Daniel Flores/Summer DryadAbilities:
Acrobatics +5
Beautiful +1
Charisma +1
Hobby (Dancing) +2
Hobby (Flower Arrangement) +1
Hobby (Female Impersonation) +2
Lucky +1
Martial Arts (Tai Chi) +2
Passion (Fashion) +2
Special Ability (Tree Empathy) +1
Vitality +2
Quick +1
Transformation (Summer Dryad) +3
-Power Move +3
--Leaf Sting (Extra Damage [+5], Ranged [+5], Empty Hands [-5], Endurance: 15)
--Sap Entrap (Entangle [+10], Ranged [+15], Decreased Damage -3 [-15], Requirement [must be on natural ground] [-5], Endurance: 15
-Quick +2
-Armor (bark) +2
-Special Ability (Confidence, counteracts the Shy weakness) +2
-Bizarre Appearance (leaf tattoos on forehead, wrists and ankles) -1
-Soft Spot (likes the heroic form, has trouble parting with it) -2
Ageism (under 18) -1
Code of Conduct -1
Compulsion (shop for women's clothes) -2
Obsession (being a woman) -3
Secret (heroic identity) -2
Secret (transgender) -3
Sensitive (gender amiguity) -1
Servitude (Fairy Queen Lurline) -2
Shy -1
Special Weakness (Effeminate) -2
Crybaby -1
Obsession (Trees) -1
Love Interest (crush) -1
Health: 40
Endurance: 60
Daniel Flores is one of four people chosen to defend the natural world. Fairy Queen Lurline chose him for his closeness to trees. He's a student at Maxfield High School, although he's not very popular due ot his effeminate nature. He's involved in the school's martial arts club, practicing the arts of Tai Chi.
Daniel is very talented in many things art; however, all those arts seem more geared towards girls than boys. He's always identified with girls more than boys, and has wished from a young age that he could be a girl himself.
As Summer Dryad, Daniel is a very beautiful young lady, wrapped in brown gauze and is slender and well-toned. She is everything Daniel has dreamed of being, reveling in being a hero, especially a female one. She is agile and quick and tuned in to the trees and animals around her. However, it's becoming harder to transforms back to Daniel. Someday, she may not...
Music in this episode:
"Lunar Clipper's Theme" by Fumitaka Anzai